the Wedding Planner


Welcome to The Wedding Planner, the UK's largest Wedding Directory.

Why join

  • Increased enquiries for your services.
  • Increased ranks on major search engines.
  • Increased traffic to your website.
  • Free Customer Care program and a dedicated Account Manager.
  • Hundreds of handpicked and targeted keywords/searchable phrases throughout the year.
  • Searchable categories, helping you to target your market effectively.

UK and Ireland Coverage

Got a branch or shop in Ireland? No problem, we've got that covered too. We cater for the whole of the UK and Ireland with our other dedicated domain names of and

The Wedding Planner Features

  • Search Optimised Listings
  • Sponsored Category Links
  • News Sponsorship
  • Banners & Buttons
  • Daily Wedding News
  • Forum

Your Search Optimised listing features:

  • Your full company contact details. Including a clickable email link that works in conjunction with a wide range of Mail programmes.
  • Your company logo. This is linked to your website, social media page, another listing on if you have a sister company, or we can lock it if you don't have your own website.
  • A full page dedicated to your company description, listed products & services.
  • Additional links to specific sections of your own website or another source.
  • Optional embedding of promotional video material.
  • Images and Product shots.
  • Fully searchable keywords and phrases that drive traffic from the major search engines online to your business.

Basic Directory Listing - £240 £120 per annum

  • Single category listing with address and contact details with hyperlink.

Search Optimised Listing* - £500 £250 per annum

  • Multiple category listing with embedded logo adjacent to your company description serving as a hyperlink.
  • 3,500 character search engine linked description that fully enables search facilities throughout the site.
  • You can also incorporate up to 6 product shots and 6 additional hyperlinks that encourage customers to click through direct to category specific sections of your website.

Leaderboard Ad - £2000 £1000 per calendar month

  • Displayed 2 per page, on 40+ different sections comprising of 1000s of web pages.
  • Rotated from top to bottom and section to section.
  • Depth x Width - 90pixels x 728pixels

Revolving Button Ad - £600 £300 per calendar month

  • 1 of 48 throughout the left and right hand sides of site, displaying 24 buttons per page on 40+ different sections comprising of 1000's of web pages.
  • Rotated top to bottom and section to section for maximum exposure.
  • Static Button Ad - 1 of 28 in each of the available sections.
  • Depth x Width - 90pixels x 90pixels

News Sponsorship / Island adverts £1800 £900 per calendar month

  • The opportunity to brand one of our News Columns.
  • Island advert within our news stories.
  • Depth x Width - 200pixels x 320pixels

Sponsored Category Link**

  • Guarantees your business a Top Three Position** in that category, ensuring maximum visibility of your listing.
  • Includes your company logo and summarised service text to further highlight your companies profile.
Position 1 = £1000 £500
Position 2 = £800 £400
Position 3 = £600 £300
Position 1 = £1800 £900
Position 2 = £1400 £700
Position 3 = £1000 £500
3 x REGION BUNDLE (all England)
Position 1 = £2500 £1250
Position 2 = £2000 £1000
Position 3 = £1400 £700

*Companies must have a Standard Directory Listing in any category in order to upgrade to a Search Optimised listing.
** On a first come first served basis and subject to availability. You must also have an optimised listing in that category in order to sponsor.


  • Button and banner ads: should be supplied as a JPEG or PDF and designed to size (72dpi, 90 pixels x 90 pixels) in screen colours (RGB).
  • File size should not exceed 15kb for banner ads or 6kb for button ads.
  • Banner animation may include any number of frames in an infinite loop.
  • Buttons may not be animated.
more infomore info
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"The Wedding Planner Adrates"