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Jewellery & Rings
Near Spalding, Lincolnshire
in Eastern England

Robinson Goldsmiths
The Robinsons are Award Winning Jewellery designers with more than 25 years experience.
  • Handmade Wedding Rings
  • Designer Jewellery
  • Trollbeads
  • RG Jewellery
  • Gifts and Vouchers

Tiaras & Trinkets
  • Unique-Bespoke, Tiaras & Hair Accessories
  • Bridal Jewellery
  • Specialising in Crocheted Wire Tiaras & Jewellery
  • Costume Jewellery
  • Free U.K. P&P

B M WitmondStamford
Charles BrightPeterborough
Crown JewellersBourne
Dawson Of Stamford LtdStamford
Ernest JonesPeterborough


Feature Jewellery & Rings Article

Men Embrace Man-Gagement Rings

Love is in the air for many couples and in between the sheets as 20% of men surveyed on and 18% of brides surveyed on said their sex lives have increased since becoming engaged.

Surprisingly, however, almost half of brides (48%) and 43% of men said they did not celebrate with sex on the night of their engagement.

The fifth-annual Proposal and Engagement Survey From the two websites has revealed what men and women are thinking and doing during one of life's most personal moments.


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Near Spalding, Lincolnshire
in Eastern England

Faze FourPeterborough
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Murano SilverPeterborough
Natalies GemsPeterborough
Occasions JewellersSpalding
S T Hopper LtdBoston
Studex UK LtdPeterborough
You & BeyondStamford
Select a town in Eastern England

Wedding News

LeToya Luckett-Walker is expecting her second child.
Charlotte Crosby has found a new romance in the wake of her split from Ryan Gallagher.
Lydia Bright has given a brutally honest interview about giving birth to her baby daughter Loretta.
Lana Del Ray has split up with her police officer boyfriend.
Actress and businesswoman Angelica Ross was left stunned this week when a simple Twitter post led to the discovery that her boyfriend has a fiancée and a child.
Ashley Graham has told of how she found breastfeeding "really difficult".
Susanna Reid is determined to celebrate her mum this Mother's Day despite being in self-isolation.
Actor and producer Lin-Manuel Miranda is learning how to homeschool now that his family are self-isolating.
Kristen Bell is bursting with pride for her two young daughters after they donated to charity.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's children Prince George and Princess Charlotte will now be homeschooled as schools close across the UK.
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"Wedding Jewellery & Rings in Spalding, Lincolnshire"