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Special Occasions Florists

Special Occasions Florists

AddressBasingstoke Road,
South East,
Telephone0118-988 2618
Fax0118-988 2618
Flower Delivery Reading | Florist in Reading | Special Occasions Florists Beautiful flowers online hand delivered by a local florist. Order flowers by 3pm for same day delivery. Freshness and hand delivery guaranteed. Based in Reading, Berkshire.

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Feature Flowers Article

Blooming Marvellous Flowers

Your choice of wedding flowers will accentuate your theme and add to the overall ambience your special day. The trick is to find a florist that can make all your wishes come true without breaking the bank.

Before you start pavement pounding sit down and have a think about your overall theme. It is not as simple as choosing a few blooms to tie in with your dress. You need to consider the bridesmaids, flower girls, men in the bridal party, mothers corsage, ceremony decoration and your reception venue. Whilst this can seem rather daunting, breaking it down into small bite size areas for attention is the simplest way.

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"Special Occasions Florists, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG7 1AT. Flowers in South East England"